Showing posts with label Dog walker murders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog walker murders. Show all posts

Monday, 7 September 2020

Kate Bushell Murder - Was it a serial killer?


This is Kate Bushell, she was just 14 years old when she was savagely murdered

This is a tragic case that just has not received enough publicity and has possibly been stalled by certain theorists putting forward ideas and possible explanations that really make little or no sense. This has taken the public eye away from identifying genuine evidence as the theories suggest one man responsible for several murders, which is not necessarily true particularly in this particular matter. I will try to explain what I mean whilst covering the case. . .

Okay so let's take a quick look at the bones of the story

It was Saturday, November 15th, 1997, 14-year-old Kate Bushell had a lay in after a tough week at school then got up and headed into Exeter City centre to do some research for her homework then to do some shopping with her mum Suzanne. Kate and her family lived in the village of Exwick in Devon so Exeter was the nearest major shopping area for them, 

After completing her homework research Kate and her mum went to buy a CD by one of Kate's favourite bands and did some birthday shopping for her older brother's upcoming birthday. The weather had taken a decent break so they were able to enjoy their shopping, had it been the next day then the weather was much more rough and wet. They then returned home and Kate went to her room to complete her school homework. Kate was a very well thought of pupil at St Thomas High School and always did her work to a high standard. 

Kate was a dog lover and although she did not have one of her own she would often take care of and walk dogs for other people and Saturday 15th November 1997 was indeed one of those days. At 4.30pm Kate set out to walk a Jack Russell dog that belonged to neighbours, Stuart & Alison Smith who were on holiday at the time.

We know that Kate walked along Burrator Drive, which was the street in which she lived, then headed towards Exwick Lane. She and the dog Gemma continued past Exwick Heights Primary School and down into the lane. Kate had told her parents that she would be gone about 20 minutes but at 5pm they noticed she had not returned and as time continued they began to be concerned. It was winter so of course, it was dark before 5pm.

By 6.45pm the couple became very worried so dad Jerry set out to look for his daughter and Gemma the dog. He went around the estate to see if he could locate Kate but no luck so he decided it was time to call for help and thus returned home to call Devon & Cornwall Police. Whilst the police were on their way Jerry asked a neighbour if he could borrow a strong torch and headed out again to look for Kate whilst Suzanne stayed at home in case their daughter returned. 

Jerry carefully retraced what he believed would have been his daughter's route along Burrator Drive and into Exwick lane.  At 7.30pm Jerry walked along the lane, which by then was very dark and so shone the torch around the stile that leads into the entrance to the field where he knew Kate may well have chosen to have exercised the dog. The torchlight caught in the eyes of Gemma the dog and then landed on the lifeless body of Kate, I can only imagine that Jerry must have been absolutely devastated by the sight that met him. 

Kate's throat had been slashed deeply and the top half of her was covered in blood. Her Reebok jogging trousers had been pulled down to her knees but, rather strangely there was no evidence of any sexual assault, this leads me to three possible explanations:

  1. Kate's attacker had planned on sexually assaulting her but had been disturbed and made off before the act could be completed, but I feel this the least likely.
  2. The attacker had layed her that way deliberately as a mark of power to show the child had not only been savagely murdered but was very much vulnerable and in the power of the killer even after death. This in my opinion is the most likely of all scenarios.
  3. Kate had been 'taken short' and had stopped to urinate when she was attacked, again not really that likely, but still not to be ruled out
The murder scene was literally only a few minute's walk from the Bushell family home in Burrator Drive and so it was suggested that it may well have been an opportunist crime, but I can honestly say I am not convinced on that. I believe that it is quite unlikely for a killer to have set out to just randomly grab and kill someone, particularly a young girl. I feel this was more than likely very much a premeditated killing and that the killer may well have known the planned movements of Kate on that tragic Saturday. 

You see this in my opinion is where the so-named 'professionals' sometimes misjudge and misread situations, which completely changes the route that the investigation then follows.  My point is that the lane and field in question are literally used by approximately 100 dog walkers every day and there tends to be a peak first thing in the morning and around 'tea time' before people settle down for evening meal. once again it is quite unlikely that 14-year-old Kate Bushell would have been alone for more than a few minutes so two questions immediately arise. . .

  1. How come no one heard any screams or calls for help or indeed the dog barking and whining? This is a quiet village with housing very close by after all and dog walkers regularly passing along Exwick Lane
  2. Why did it take until 7.30pm for Kate's body to be found? I do appreciate it was dark in winter but many dog walkers use torches and exercise dogs after evening meal before settling down for the night, Something here doesn't quite make sense.
"Yes, Yes, you always say that" I hear you say but, in my opinion, these points are very relevant and very much need to be carefully looked into. What time was Kate Bushell killed? Where was she killed? Did she, in fact, meet her end in that field entrance or was she placed there after death? 

Another question which I feel needs to be raised at this juncture is with regard to the dog, this dog stayed with Kate, is that really that likely, particularly as the dog was not hers? I would very much like to speak to an animal behaviour expert on this. I realise that the dog would probably have been on a lead but I am fairly sure that unless Kate had fixed the lead to herself in some way, the dog would easily have got free once Kate was dead. I do hope that this makes sense to you and regardless would have made a terrific fuss, after all the person walking it was murdered.
I am wondering whether the dog was temporarily silenced maybe a drugged piece of meat or something. unfortunately, there is no mention of this in reports.

There has been mention of a vehicle being seen near some stables in Exwick Lane at 4.50pm when a lady and her daughter were driving along. They saw the blue Vauxhall Astra van or estate car parked at the side of the road with a man looking into the rear of it, They also saw Kate with Gemma walking along the lane, but just 5 minutes later the man was nowhere to be seen and neither were Kate and the dog. The vehicle was still parked so it is perfectly possible that the man was at the stables or maybe in a field but interestingly no one has come forward for elimination.

The man that the pair saw was described as white, aged 30 to 40, medium build, collar-length dark hair, clean-shaven and was wearing jeans. Of course, this describes many men that were quite likely to be visiting stables and local fields but the concern is the man has never been identified, this, of course, is suggestive of possible involvement in Kate's demise.  It is certainly clear that the man would have been there at the boot of the vehicle when Kate and Gemma walked past, that is beyond doubt, but where did he vanish to so quickly? 

A separate witness gave a statement which is quite interesting in that a man was seen running along the field behind Normans cash and carry at between 5.10pm and 5.40pm, he was coming from the direction of the location Kate was later found dead. The report suggests that he was running 'out of control and very fast' down a muddy slippery hill, before turning back into the estate. He was not wearing jogging attire and was in an area where it would be unusual to see a jogger, particularly with it dropping dusk at that time of the year. Once again this man has never come forward for elimination so it is perfectly suggestive that he may have been the killer or at least involved in Kate's death but this is only supposition. The only doubt cast here is that the man ran into the estate of houses, he would almost certainly have been covered in blood and very muddy from running, he could easily have been identified and definitely noticed, so where did he go?

We obviously know Kate's route but it seems that something must have happened as according to the family she would not have normally turned off the road and into the darkened lane as it was well away from the road. There is certainly suggestion that something must have spooked her otherwise she would simply have walked along Exwick lane.

Now when forensic examinations were undertaken there were over 100 Orange clothing fibres found on Kate, these were completely alien to her and her home so they almost certainly must have come from the killer, but neither of the witness statements from the immediate time mention any Orange colours being visible, did the killer maybe have an orange sack of some kind that he or she originally planned to take Kate away in? Or was she killed somewhere then taken to the spot where her body was found? It is interesting that the forensic scientist indicated that the fibres were identified as quite unusual and may possibly have come from work-wear such as a boiler suit. I wonder if there have been local council workers or something similar such as road workers that have been supplied with this protective clothing? The fibres were not only found on Kate's clothing and body but on the stile where her body was found. 

One other line of inquiry that I would like to follow up in connection with the somewhat unusual Orange fibres is something of a shot in the dark but had anyone recently arrived in Devon from America? Either a convicted offender or maybe someone that had obtained a boiler suit similar to those worn by prisoners over there? I am going to follow my nose just a little and indulge my thought by trying to ascertain what kinds of materials are used in American prison boiler suits. If I come up with anything of interest I will of course post an update here.

So what other clues do we have about the killer? Well, it is fair to say that the killer must have been very strong and was cold and calculated enough to have brought the weapon of murder and taken it away again. You notice I do not say "he" as whilst there is every possibility that such a dreadful act would have been carried out by a male there is also the ever-present possibility that the perpetrator could have been a female. Is this why there was no evidence of sexual assault on Kate's body? Maybe the jogging pants being pulled down was a form of sexual arousal or empowerment? 

The very clear point is that it is highly probable that this offender will most likely have offended again, although not definite that is almost a certainty unless of course whoever was responsible was so disturbed by their actions that they maybe took their own lives since. It is almost certain that the offender will have committed crimes, probably of a violent nature prior to such a dreadful murder as this. Offenders rarely just commit a psychotic murder of this magnitude as a one-off or first offence, so maybe there is someone out there that had been the victim of violent assault? If so then you could be unwittingly hiding a killer's identity. 

Maybe someone had an idea at the time that he or she could have been in contact with Kate's killer but for one reason or another did not come forward? If that person is you do please get in touch with the police, remember it is never too late to do the right thing. A young girls' life was viciously and abruptly ended that November afternoon in 1997 and her family deserve justice. 

There have been some possible related cases that I will just skim over below but I personally do not see them as linked in any way except that the victims were all walking dogs when they were murdered. I may well post separate blogs on those killings, just to demonstrate the differences in killings. There are theories also about this being a killing by the serial killer Christopher Halliwell but having examined a lot of information and studied his behaviour I do not feel that he is in any way connected to the case. 

There is a writer / former policeman that is using cases like this to sell his books and stories which is a real shame because not only is it making money in book sales, the stories have little or no base and therefore this misleads the public so that if there was a question in someone's mind "hmmm I wonder of it was that person, I remember seeing him that day" it goes unreported because they read a story suggesting that dozens of murders were the responsibility of just one man. Sorry if this displeases some but I feel I have to get that out there. Crime investigation and solving come from gathering evidence, not looking at stories of other crimes, and simply saying "Well he did that one so it must be him that is responsible for so many more".

So let's look briefly at the other 'similar' murders. . .

Lyn Bryant

This lady was murdered whilst out walking her Lurcher dog on The Roseland Peninsula, near Truro in Cornwall on 20th October 1998.

Her body was found at around 2.40pm in the gateway to a field, she had been stabbed several times in the neck, throat, and back. Just bear in mind that Kate Bushell was killed by a single deep striking wound to her throat. 

Lyn was last seen at around 1.45pm outside the Ruan Methodist Chapel talking to a man described as in his 30s, around 5 feet 9 inches tall and dressed in light clothing. The field gateway where Lyn was discovered was just 100 yards from the chapel. 

A small curiosity, in this case, is that Lyn's glasses were found 6 months later, just a few feet from where her body had been found. Police think it is highly probable that the killer returned his trophy to the sight for some reason and in my personal opinion, this suggests that the killer was a local person, not a passing chancer from out of town. Lyn was aged 40 at the time of her death and had lived in the area all her life, she had two daughters and was a housewife, so no real motif for such a gruesome murder.

Helen Fleet

66-year-old Helen was strangled, beaten around the head, and stabbed approximately 10 times on March 28th, 1987. She had been out walking her dogs in Worlebury Woods near Weston Super Mare in Somerset when the brutal attack happened. 

No motive was ever established for the gruesome murder and the killer has never been identified. Once again a totally different and much more frenzied murder than that of Kate Bushell, in my opinion, a very different Modus Operandi.

Mrs. Fleet was also a local lady and lived not far from the murder scene with her younger sister Betty Brough. It is thought that Helen Fleet was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and the murder was not targeted to her in any way, I am not convinced but that is for a different blog on a different day.

Suffice to say that police believe Helen's killer to have been a local boy who had excellent knowledge of the woods and not connected to the serial killer, Christopher Halliwell, as suggested by a former policeman and writer Christopher Clark, he remains adamant that Helen was one of the first victims of Halliwell. Clark told local newspapers that the murder had stark resemblances to those of Kate Bushell and Lyn Bryant, I personally see little or no resemblance save for the facts the other victims were also walking dogs at the time they were killed.

That's all for this one, please do leave me a comment if you wish, and do please share my work as it brings these cases to the attention of the public again and may just help to see justice done, remember it is never too late to come forward if you think you can help

Please do contact Devon and Cornwall police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their website

Points of interest:

(Not necessarily linked to the case)

Exwick is an historic manor parish a northwestern suburb of Exeter and has an Eastern boundary of the River Exe which is where the village takes its name. The village played a very important part in milling as it is located on the floodplain of the river 
There are several large houses in Exwick including Cleve House which became a training centre for guide dogs for the blind in the 1950s, it later was made into smaller houses and the site of a new primary school. 
One of the most famous names in Exwick history was that of William Gibbs who paid to make Exwick a separate parish from St Thomas and extended the chapel of ease into a full church of St. Andrews.

November 15th was the 319th day of the year in 1997 in the Gregorian calendar  


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